A funny trio? Perhaps but they seem to add up to what we're all about - and what you reward us with - 'loyaltea'! Time to hand out some extra rewards - double stamps and our Cream Tea lucky loyaltea draw (scroll to end to see details) during October!
We take the #generousvalue side of our business very seriously. And it's a tough call to remain affordable but also provide gracious hospitality and a restorative experience at the same time.
We've waited two years, but you'll see from the menu a couple of items are going up. We're sorry we can't absorb these costs. If you'd like to know where we invest our time and money come and visit and talk to Ben or myself, or any of the team about their training and what we use in terms of produce - the finest coffees, chocolate and loose leaf teas, and local ingredients.

However, there IS a silver lining... we've noticed from feedback that you'd really like to see a Cream Tea option on the menu and we've added it. Can't think why we haven't offered this formally before... and we're keen to this as affordable as possible - so you can keep it as a regular treat!
Our Cream Tea includes two generously sized scones, jam and cream with a pot of tea of your choice for a highly competitive £6.25
Why not take an afternoon stroll and pop in to replenish your energy, while the sun's still shining?
Oh yes - and for the Monsieur or possible very hungry Madame in your life who needs to keep his or her energy up, try our Grand Monsieur for Brunch!
P.S. Just to sweeten things a tiny bit further we're giving double stamps on our loyalty cards right up until the end of October and for two lucky customers at Tisbury and Blandford who hand in fully stamped up cards there's the chance to will Cream Tea for Two! Winners announced beginning of November.
Posted by Patrick Duffy