Death Café at Crowthorne
A Death Cafe is an event where people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. The aim is to increase awareness of death and to help people make the most of their (finite) lives .
Proving to be hugely popular the death café held in at Crowthorne Beatons tearooms is attended by up to 30 people and becoming more established.
Annie Cygler who organised and hosted this death café tells us that all sorts of questions, ones that perhaps usually wouldn’t be voiced are expressed freely, such things as,
‘How should I begin a conversation with my elderly parents about death and what they might want at their funerals? Do I even need to do that? What music might you like at your funeral? I'm going to a funeral tomorrow. What makes a good funeral? I never thought I'd have to plan my own daughter's funeral. What do think about assisted dying? Should children go to funerals? What's a good death? What would you like your very last words to be? To whom? Where?'

If this is something that you would be interested in attending, visit their Facebook page: Death Cafe Crowthorne here
Or contact Annie on