#beatonsbod: Blandford's Kelsey who only panda's to peace!

What's your role and what do you like best about your job? 
I'm Kelsey and I'm one of the youngest members of the team at Beatons Blandford, usually tucked away in the kitchen. I most enjoy creating delicious food and baking the cakes.

What's your favourite edible or drinkable from our menu?
My favourite drink is our chai latte - the charity version of course where we give 50p to our local charity for the year. It's creamy and spicy at the same time, with a lovely kick to give me some extra energy.

And how about your favourite book from our shelves?
Hmm... there's a book about doing a new thing every day that scares you, by Robie Rogge, I love to challenge myself! I also love dipping in to the graphic novels and children's books we have - they are full of sparkle.

Which of the ways we like to go about things at Beatons means most to you and why? Gracious hospitality without a doubt - because it makes you feel good to be giving, and I love to make people smile!

Kelsey - the lovable panda!
If you were an animal, bird or creeping creature what would you be and why? I'd be a panda because they always look so laid back, calm and peaceful...always useful qualities over a busy lunchtime!

What - outside work - makes your skin tingle? I love creating art, I'm actually hoping to be a tattoo artist one day.

If you could do one thing to change the world for the better what would it be? 

It might sound too obvious but I don't care, it would be really amazing: I'd stop war and create world peace.