Founder Patrick Duffy, Mrs Susie Rice-Mundy, Mayor Rice-Mundy,
Franchise Business Owner Angela Thorn and partner Tony Fascione
On Wednesday 18th April 2018 the sun shone all day long as if it had come out specially to celebrate the launch of our latest tearooms: Beatons Tearooms and Bookshop New Milton.
Angela Thorn, a very proud Franchise Business Owner, hosted an evening Soirée for all those who contribute to New Milton's thriving community. Guest of Honour The Town Mayor of New Milton - Councillor David Rice-Mundy, with his wife Susie were the first to arrive and the last to leave - great dedication to duty!
Representatives from Beatons New Milton's Charity of the Year, Helping Older People New Forest, were present (and the donation box is on its way to being full). It was also great to see a New Milton's children's writer Monica Fulford and meet Adam who runs New Forest Writer's Group.
New Milton Councillors Neil Tungate and Steve Clarke
Oh yes, and the guests heard the first recitation of the Beatons New Milton Poem, honouring the town. You can have a listen here.
But the pictures tell the tale better than words! Thank you to everyone who came, ate, drank, talked and to Angela and her team who christened their tearooms with joy and attentiveness. May the sun continue to shine on
Founder Patrick Duffy, House Poet Liz Darcy-Jones and Sam Lowings |
Angela and Team all ready for the opening
Brockenhurst College's Melina Brothers and Angela Thorn
Local Artist Susan Houching and Brenda Farrell |